Today we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of the re-establishment of the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation after 9 years of having been banned by the French government. At the time there was a strong anti-religious sentiment in France which led to the banning of hundreds of congregations. Through the efforts of Reverend Mother Saint Therese de Jesus, Senator Leon Jenouvrier, and by the Grace of God, the ban was officially overturned on this day in 1923. Two significant factors in this success were the Reverend Mother’s refusal to bow to the decree, and the Sisters’ brave service as nurses during the first world war. While we celebrate today the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, please join us in thanking God through Mary’s intersession for the gift of freedom to observe our faith and to continue to serve God as the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation.